Easy way to Compare two SQL Server table schemas

SELECT DEV.name as DEV_ColumnName,
PROD.name as PROD_ColumnName,
DEV.is_nullable as DEV_is_nullable,
PROD.is_nullable as PROD_is_nullable,
DEV.system_type_name as DEV_Datatype,
PROD.system_type_name as PROD_Datatype,
DEV.is_identity_column as DEV_is_identity,
PROD.is_identity_column as PROD_is_identity  
FROM sys.dm_exec_describe_first_result_set
(N'SELECT * FROM [Database1].dbo.Employee', NULL, 0) DEV
FULL OUTER JOIN  sys.dm_exec_describe_first_result_set
(N'SELECT * FROM [Database2].dbo.Employee', NULL, 0) PROD
ON DEV.name = PROD.name


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