How to upload File to Secured FTP ( SFTP ) in C#

Upload File from Local Machine to SFTP Server in C#

The following C# code will upload a file from local machine to SFTP server.

string _ftpURL = ""; //Host URL or address of the SFTP server
string _UserName = "admin";      //User Name of the SFTP server
string _Password = "admin123";   //Password of the SFTP server
int _Port = 22;                  //Port No of the SFTP server (if any)
string _ftpDirectory = "Receipts"; //The directory in SFTP server where the files will be uploaded
string LocalDirectory = "D:\\FilePuller"; //Local directory from where the files will be uploaded
string FileName = "test.txt";    //File name, which one will be uploaded

Sftp oSftp = new Sftp(_ftpURL, _UserName, _Password);
oSftp.Put(LocalDirectory + "/" + FileName, _ftpDirectory + "/" + FileName);
tamir.sharpssh.dll can be downloaded from below link.


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