
Showing posts from 2018

Split rows into equal number of records per group in sql server

 In SQL server by using function NT ILE we can split the equal number of records from a table to number of groups SELECT *,NTILE(5) over( ORDER by Id) GroupNo from Table Here records will be assigned to 5 groups (Group No: 1,2,3,4,5).

Get Random alphanumeric number with specific length using SQL Server

Create a function to get the new guid create view [dbo].[MyNewGuid] as select newid() as NewID; Call below user defined function and pass the number of characters to be returned. CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[ufn_RandomString](     @pStringLength int = 10 -- No of characters to be returned     ,@isupper bit=0 -- will be returned in upper case or lowercase ) returns varchar(max) as begin     declare  @RandomStr varchar(max);     with     a1 as (select 1 as N union all            select 1 union all            select 1 union all            select 1 union all            select 1 union all            select 1 union all         ...